As I just got done blabbing about in my last post, in which I shared a recipe for Indian-Spiced Roasted Butternut Squash Apple Soup, I am on a clean eating kick. It’s not that I don’t eat healthy most of the time and I’m sure I have a higher vegetable to other stuff ratio at the checkout than most. But lately I just keep wanting to eat sweets. And then I do. And then I feel icky. And tired. And bigger than I really am. And I know that it just means that I need to reset my diet and my body a bit to get rid of those intense cravings for sugar. Hence my plan. Want to know my plan? Well I’m going to tell you anyway…

My plan is to eat only whole foods for a week. And cut out dairy. And no meat (I only eat meat about once a month anyway). And no refined sugars, flours, etc. Just good food. And then when my plan commences in a week or so I’m going to see how I feel and try to carry on with said plan until the holiday goodies call my name…and then I hope to not want them so badly, so often, and in such amounts! We’ll see if my sinister plan to ruin Christmas cookies powerful and dramatic effects works. I’ll let you know…

In the meantime, I am not missing any of the aforementioned foods right now. I have had gorgeous meal after gorgeous meal the last few days and I’m trying to get around to sharing a few gems with you now.

This salad has been a favorite so far. Can you see why? It seems like the more colorful the dish, the better it tastes and the better I feel. Recipes like this, adapted from Whole Living’s Steamed Broccoli and Squash with Tahini Sauce make eating well a breeze and a joy. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did!
Salad with Roasted Dumpling Squash, Broccoli, and a Tahini Vinaigrette;
Adapted from Whole Living Steamed Broccoli and Squash with Tahini Sauce
- 1/2 head broccoli florets
- 1 Dumpling or Delicata squash, sliced and seeded
- 1 cup mixed tender greens such as mizuna, pea shoots, or arugula
- 1 cup thinly sliced red cabbage
- 2 tablespoons diced red onion
- 2 radishes, thinly sliced
- Coarse salt and pepper
- 1/4 cup Tahini Sauce
- 1 tablespoon raw pumpkin seeds
- Heat oven to 400°. Lightly spray or drizzle a baking pan with olive oil and lay squash onto the baking sheet, taking care not to overlap. Sprinkle with some salt and pepper and roast, about 20-30 minutes, flipping each piece halfway through.
- In the meantime, steam broccoli florets until bright green and tender, about 4 minutes. Remove and set aside.
- In a bowl, toss greens, cabbage, radishes, and red onion. Top with steamed and roasted vegetables and season with salt and pepper. Drizzle with tahini sauce and sprinkle with pumpkin seeds.
Serves 3-4
Rainbow Salad with Roasted Squash I’m new on this page but found your instructions for this recipe. Thank you.
Can you eat the skin of these squashes?
Dana, yes, that is the great thing about this type of squash–you don’t have to peel them at all! They are a little hard to find in Grand Rapids, MI. I get them at one store here but depending on where you are, you may have an easier time finding them. Otherwise, you can substitute peeled acorn or butternut squash.
Rainbow Salad with Roasted Squash This is the first detox salad listed on Why can’t I click on it and pull up the recipe?
Looks yummy! 🙂
Thanks for sharing another great recipe!
Thanks, Lexi!